TCRP Report 95 Series

TCRP Report 95 Cover


The Transportation Research Board’s (TRB) website explains: the Transit Cooperative Research Program’s (TCRP) Traveler Response to Transportation System Changes Handbook “series is intended to equip members of the transportation profession with a comprehensive, readily accessible, interpretive documentation of results and experience obtained across the United States and elsewhere from (1) different types of transportation system changes and policy actions and (2) alternative land use and site development design approaches.”  Although originally a total of 19 chapters were expected to be published in this series, the project was later restructured such that three chapters are deferred to a future project.

Jay Evans served as a co-Principal Investigator to the effort and the lead or contributing author to nine of the chapters.  At the bottom of this page are links to the official websites maintained by TCRP for the Handbook project.  The center section of this page indicates availability and provides convenient linkages to the final publication notices for each chapter.

Chapters and Status

In February 2013, the final chapter was released, bringing the total to sixteen. The following sections provide convenient links to each chapter in the handbook, if available.

Chapter Status Date
Chapter 1: Introduction Includes introductory and orienting text about the Handbook project as well as a very useful discussion about calculating and interpreting elasticities. 2/17/2013
Chapter 2: HOV Facilities Examines how travelers respond to high occupancy vehicle (HOV) applications. 11/17/2006
Chapter 3: Park-and-Ride and Park-and-Pool Examines travel demand and related aspects of providing and supporting park-and-ride and park-and-pool facilities. 8/16/2004
Chapter 4: Busways, BRT and Express Bus Deferred to a future project.
Chapter 5: Vanpools and Buspools Examines traveler response to vanpool and buspool introduction or changes, including an exploration of the underlying factors responsible for success. 8/12/2005
Chapter 6: Demand-Responsive/ADA Includes traveler response and related information for services open to the general public and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) services intended for persons with disabilities. 5/25/2004
Chapter 7: Light Rail Transit Deferred to a future project.
Chapter 8: Commuter Rail Deferred to a future project.
Chapter 9: Transit Scheduling and Frequency Examines scheduling changes made to conventional bus and rail transit, including changes in the frequency of service, hours of service, structuring of schedules, and schedule reliability. 5/25/2004
Chapter 10: Bus Routing and Coverage Examines traveler response to, and related impacts of, conventional bus transit routing alterations. 8/17/2004
Chapter 11: Transit Information and Promotion Examines traveler responses to mass-marketed and targeted information and promotions, customer information services, and real-time transit information dissemination. 3/2/2004
Chapter 12: Transit Pricing and Fares Examines transit ridership response to fare changes as applied to conventional urban area bus and rail transit services.  Topics covered include changes in general fare level, changes in fare structure including relationships among fare categories, and free transit. 9/13/2004
Chapter 13: Parking Pricing and Fees Examines traveler response to both the introduction of parking pricing and fees and to changes in the level, structure, or method of application of parking fees.  Included are actions that can change the costs to users of parking even without fee changes, notably through elimination of employer parking subsidies and by fee structures that differentiate by modes of parking (short/long term) or travel (drive-alone/ridesharing). 2/28/2005
Chapter 14: Road Value Pricing Focuses on automobile-oriented pricing, including discussion of its impact on other travel modes. 10/16/2003
Chapter 15: Land Use and Site Design Provides information on the relationships between land use/site design and travel behavior.  Information in the report is drawn primarily from research studies that have attempted to measure and explain the effects. 11/11/2003
Chapter 16: Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities This expansive volume discusses travel behavior and public health implications of a variety of non-motorized transportation policies, programs, and support actions. Link facilities (e.g., sidewalks, bicycle lanes, and on-transit) and node accommodations (e.g., street-crossing treatments, bicycle parking, and showers) are among the topics addressed. 8/6/2012
Chapter 17: Transit-Oriented Development Explores the transit-oriented development (TOD) land use strategy and its transportation impacts in terms of regional context, land use mix, and primary transit mode. 8/1/2007
Chapter 18: Parking Management and Supply Examines how travelers respond to differences in the supply and availability of vehicle parking, including changes that might occur as a result of shifting land-use patterns, changes in regulatory policy, or attempts to “manage” the supply of parking. 3/2/2004
Chapter 19: Employer and Institutional TDM Strategies Discusses TDM strategies classified into four categories – support actions, transportation services, financial incentives, and alternative work arrangements – and explores the traveler response changes potentially attributable to each both through the synthesis approach used in other chapters in the series and through a series of pair-wise comparisons of vehicle trip reduction achieved in a sample dataset of 82 program experiences. 7/20/2010

Official Project Websites

The following are the official project websites for the Traveler Response Handbook:

TRB Publications> TCRP Report 95 Collection:
Project Website — TCRP B-12A/B (Final Handbook):
Project Website — TCRP B-12 (Interim Handbook):